Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg) 81-Count Package BuySaleCheap

Where Buy Sale Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg) 81-Count Package Cheap Deals

Buy Sale Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg) 81-Count Package Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg) 81-Count Package When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.

Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg)  81-Count Package

Customer Rating :
Rating: 3.7

List Price : $84.60
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.

Product Description

Nicorette Mini Lozenge does more than calm the intense nicotine withdrawal symptoms that develop when you stop smoking. It gives you the solutions and resources you need to change all your smoking behaviors so you can finally become the ex-smoker you really want to be.

  • Calm the intense nicotine withdrawal symptoms that develop when you stop smoking
  • Gives you the solutions and resources you need to change all your smoking behaviors
  • Helps you find the strength to quit

Find Cheap Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg) 81-Count Package Low Prices Sale

Nicorette Mini Lozenge (2 mg) 81-Count Package Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
31 Reviews
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24 of 25 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars If you are serious about quitting, these lozenges may help., May 12, 2010
I have tried the gum, but I found it hard on my teeth and gums. I also didn't like how quickly it lost its flavor. In short, I failed to quit smoking using the gum. I also failed to quit smoking on the patch. I personally need that quick release of nicotine. I bought these lozenges when I decided to give quitting another try. They are small, but powerful. I smoked menthol cigarettes, and the strong mint flavor is a good subsitution. I am only on my fifth day smoke-free, but I have already succeeded in situations that caused me to fail in the past. I spent hours with a smoker friend outside talking, while she smoked, and I had my mints. I can honestly say I wasn't tempted to smoke. I gave it four stars because the flavor and texture does take some getting used to. Everyone's taste will be different. Obviously the mints will only help, if you really want to quit. I highly reccommend them for people who are motivated, but have struggled with other nicotine replacement aids.
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30 of 33 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars They work, but there's a catch!, June 18, 2010
These new mini lozenges come in 2 and 4 mg strengths, and are an improvement over the larger Commit-type nicotine lozenges that come in brand and generic form. However, as most people who have been using nicotine lozenges 'successfully' for any amount of time can tell you, the lozenges THEMSELVES are ADDICTIVE and can be very hard to quit because of the powerful oral gratification that they deliver. Do a Google search for Lozenges Addiction - just those two words, and you will see first-hand accounts that ex-smokers have posted here and there online, explaining how they continued to use the lozenges for YEARS after they quit smoking, well beyond the time window when they were supposed to have stopped using them. Dental problems abound because, although they are sugar free, the inactive ingredients in them change mouth pH. And the sweeteners used can have addictive properties themselves.

On a more positive note, these new mini-lozenges are an improvement because there... Read more
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14 of 15 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Better than emphysema, January 10, 2011
Uncle Matt ("the Canada of New England") - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I've waited awhile to write this review because I've never been so passionately divided about a product. Like other reviewers have mentioned, this product is a double-edged sword. With any kind of motivation and the 4mg Mini Lozenge, you will be able to stop smoking. I have twice now. The first time it worked great, and when I weened myself off it didn't take more than a bump in the road to get me back to smoking. The second time, well I've been smoke free for over a year... but I never weened off the lozenges. Online boards have people taking these things for five plus years and going strong, and I've got to think I'll be joining them. There is some chatter online about them damaging your teeth so I've been fastidious about my dental care and so far no major issues. They are cheaper than cigarettes in my case, but not cheap nonetheless. But even if it costs me $20 a week (which is average thus far), and even if they did rot the teeth out of my head; I'm calm, relaxed, and... Read more
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